Greater Returns
Living Torah
Greater ReturnsReshis Chochmah quotes Rabbi Moshe Cordovero, and the opinion of Rabbi Yonah of Gerona, that the days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are like the intermediate days of a festival.
Greater Returns
Disc 158, Program 630
Event Date: 6 Tishrei 5733 - September 14, 1972
Reshis Chochmah quotes Rabbi Moshe Cordovero, and the opinion of Rabbi Yonah of Gerona, that the days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are like the intermediate days of a festival. If these days are indeed a time of joy, why then do we recite the confessional prayers which are customarily omitted on such occasions? The answer to this seemingly obvious question holds a powerful lesson on our journey to repentance. |
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