
How a Father Acts

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How a Father Acts

The verse commands: “You shall surely rebuke your fellow.” Nevertheless, one must deliver the rebuke joyfully, good-naturedly, and gently.
R. DovBer of Lubavitch (Mitteler Rebbe), Ki Tavo, Criticism; Rebuke, Lubavitcher Rebbe
How a Father Acts
Disc 157, Program 625

Event Date: 30 Av 5742 - August 19, 1982

The verse commands: “You shall surely rebuke your fellow.” Nevertheless, one must deliver the rebuke joyfully, good-naturedly, and gently.

This is illustrated clearly in a story with the first Rebbe of Chabad, the Alter Rebbe. The Alter Rebbe would typically read the Torah scroll in the synagogue on Shabbos. Once, the Alter Rebbe was out of town on the week which the Torah portion contained the curses that G-d promises to those who disobey His will. For the first time, his son, the Mitteler Rebbe, heard this Torah reading from someone else, including the section of G-d’s fierce rebuke. Upon hearing such harsh words, the Mitteler Rebbe fell dangerously ill, only recovering many weeks later. He was later asked: “You’ve heard these verses read many times before. How come you never fainted?” The Mittler Rebbe replied: “When father reads it, I don’t hear anger.”

When a father gives rebuke, it’s never with anger, only love.

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