
All Year Round

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All Year Round

When it comes to educating young children, how could yeshivas or Jewish schools shut down for the summer?! Torah is our life-source, how can one stop learning for even one day of the year?!
Vacation, Cheder, Summer, Summer Camp, Lubavitcher Rebbe
All Year Round
Disc 156, Program 621

Event Date: 12 Tammuz 5745 - July 01, 1985

When it comes to educating young children, how could yeshivas or Jewish schools shut down for the summer?! Torah is our life-source, how can one stop learning for even one day of the year?!

On the contrary; during the free time in summer they should also increase in Torah study, implementing Torah’s true purpose - fulfilling the commandments.­ Although the child may not yet even be obligated to fulfill them, Torah guarantees: “Educate the child according to his way, even when he grows older he will not depart from it.”

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