
Torah 101

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Torah 101

Understanding is required to fulfill one's obligation in studying the Oral Torah, but exceptions apply if comprehension is beyond one's control.
Torah Study, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Torah 101
Disc 154, Program 614

Event Date: 14 Adar 5732 - February 29, 1972

Unlike the Written Torah, when studying the Oral Torah, a person has not fulfilled his obligation of Torah study unless he understands what is being learnt. Nevertheless, exceptions are made for those that aren’t capable of understanding for reasons beyond their control.

This implies that there is something gained regardless of the level of one’s comprehension or background. In fact, the only prerequisite for Torah study is the correct mindset.

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Tom Baton Rouge May 25, 2020

Sometimes when I pray I speak in an unknown language that is beyond my
understanding of what I was saying.
One day I was in a park in Monsey
New York and a Jewish man and his children were sitting on a park bench.
The Jewish man was instructing his children in some lesson plan.
My wife and I were close by and all of a sudden I was speaking some kind of Semitic language beyond my comprehension.
My wife afterwards told me that the Jewish man stopped what he was doing and listening in astonishment as to what I was saying.
All I recall from what I was saying and
I am surely not able to spell correctly was : suri v goali shava atalei
Among other semitic words that I cannot recall. Reply

Paige April 8, 2023
in response to Tom:

Sounds so cool Reply

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