
Jewish Fundamentals, Part 2

Twelve Essential Torah Teachings

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Jewish Fundamentals, Part 2: Twelve Essential Torah Teachings

In 1976, as part of his campaign to educate every Jewish child, the Rebbe selected twelve fundamental Torah passages to be learned by every Jewish boy and girl.
Twelve Torah Passages, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Jewish Fundamentals, Part 2
Twelve Essential Torah Teachings
Disc 153, Program 610

Event Date: 30 Nissan 5736 - April 30, 1976

In 1976, as part of his campaign to educate every Jewish child, the Rebbe selected twelve fundamental Torah passages to be learned by every Jewish boy and girl.

But, more important than what children know is how they behave. It is therefore crucial to give our children a sense of values and identity. When educating a child, one must look beyond providing information, and bring the teachings into the child’s life.

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