Hakhel in Our Times
Living Torah
Hakhel in Our TimesWhen the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, every seven years the entire nation would gather there to hear the Torah read by the king and be inspired in the service of G-d. While the Temple may no longer stand in Jerusalem, it continues to exist spiritually within the heart of every Jew.
Hakhel in Our Times
Disc 150, Program 600
Event Date: 13 Tishrei 5748 - October 06, 1987
When the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, every seven years the entire nation would gather there to hear the Torah read by the king and be inspired in the service of G-d. While the Temple may no longer stand in Jerusalem, it continues to exist spiritually within the heart of every Jew. Similarly, although the commandment of Hakhel can no longer be fulfilled, it must continue to inspire us today. Each of us, men, women and even young children, must try to influence our surroundings with the spirit of unity, fear of G-d and joy. |
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