
Children – Fruitful Trees of Life

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Children – Fruitful Trees of Life

On the third day of creation, when G-d created plant life, all the nourishing produce of the fields sprouted forth, and every single tree bore fruit, becoming a source of delectable pleasure.
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Children – Fruitful Trees of Life
Disc 15, Program 59

Event Date: 20 Iyar 5740 - May 06, 1980

On the third day of creation, when G-d created plant life, all the nourishing produce of the fields sprouted forth, and every single tree bore fruit, becoming a source of delectable pleasure.

Torah compares man to the produce of the field and the fruit of the tree. With the birth of every child, G-d blesses him to ‘bring forth vegetation’ and to ‘bear fruit’ – to develop his own, unique contribution to mankind.

Wheat, the most important harvest of the field, is the principle staple of man. Fruits are an added source of pleasure and delight. Every child too, has both these qualities: he is an essential part of G-d’s creation, who also has special G-d-given talents and creativity to maximize his potential and bring delight and joy to the world.

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