
Where Everything seems Right

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Where Everything seems Right

Leah Aizenman arrived in New York from Tel Aviv to discover that her sister’s home served as a stop for guests coming from all over the world to spend the High Holidays with the Rebbe. On Hoshana Raba, after feeding an endless flow of people, she ran to 770 toward the end of the Rebbe’s distribution of honey cake for a sweet new year. Fortunately, she was too late. (1976)
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Where Everything seems Right
Disc 145, Program 578

Living Torah

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Daraleena Surfside Beach April 23, 2017

Leah is an amazing soul so giving of her time. I never met but one other lady with glow of HaShem on her face like Leahs glow! Chabad is great here Reply

Leah Myrtle Beach, SC October 9, 2015

So thankful to know Leah Aizenman! Having known Leah for 20 years now, I so am honored to see this publication! Leah and her husband, Rabbi Doron have been more then instrumental in the work of the Rebbe in Myrtle Beach, SC. I can honestly say that they are the cause I have stayed here and raised 3 of my children. The blessings, many unknown to them both, shared with my family, will remain in mine and my children's neshama for ever. B"H Reply

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