
The Humble Willow

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The Humble Willow

The seventh day of Sukkos is known as Hoshana Raba, during which we fulfill the custom of making seven circuits around the bima while holding the Four Species and reciting prayers for blessing and prosperity in the coming year.
Aravah, Hoshanah Rabbah, Lubavitcher Rebbe
The Humble Willow
Disc 145, Program 578

Event Date: 21 Tishrei 5744 - September 28, 1983

The seventh day of Sukkos is known as Hoshana Raba, during which we fulfill the custom of making seven circuits around the bima while holding the Four Species and reciting prayers for blessing and prosperity in the coming year.

At the highpoint of the service however, the Four Species which were used throughout the festival are placed aside, and we take a fresh bunch of willow branches and beseech G-d to “sweeten harsh judgments.” As it turns out, the humble willow possesses qualities that the other species do not.

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