
Changing History

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Changing History

The Alter Rebbe assures us in Tanya that the efforts of those who follow in his ways, inspiring their fellow Jews to return to G-d, will have an “eternal” effect.
Elul 18, Teshuvah, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Changing History
Disc 144, Program 574

Event Date: 24 Tevet 5741 - December 31, 1980

The Alter Rebbe assures us in Tanya that the efforts of those who follow in his ways, inspiring their fellow Jews to return to G-d, will have an “eternal” effect.

While we can readily see how repentance, or teshuva, has an effect on the future or even the present, the Alter Rebbe’s use of the word “eternal” implies a further reach – teshuva can alter the past, uprooting sins and transforming them into merits!

This ability to transform the past is not reserved for a select few. It is G-d’s imperative and promise to every single Jew.

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