Never Too Young
Living Torah
Never Too YoungLong before his bar mitzvah, the Previous Rebbe was already preoccupied with doing acts of kindness. At age eleven he established a free-loan fund, allowing him to help the needy in a dignified manner.
Never Too Young
Disc 141, Program 564
Event Date: 12 Tammuz 5741 - July 14, 1981
Long before his bar mitzvah, the Previous Rebbe was already preoccupied with doing acts of kindness. At age eleven he established a free-loan fund, allowing him to help the needy in a dignified manner. He did this with money that he earned from his father by studying Mishnah by heart. The education he received from a young age increased his desire to help others, and even as a child he was prepared to pay a high price for his ideals, as the story of his first imprisonment relates. |
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