
The Greatest Job

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The Greatest Job

The Mishna states in Ethics of the Fathers: “Any Torah study that is not combined with work will not endure.” Elsewhere, the Talmud asserts that man was created for toil in Torah.
Torah Study, Ethics of the Fathers, Lubavitcher Rebbe
The Greatest Job
Disc 139, Program 555

Event Date: 11 Nissan 5732 - March 26, 1972

The Mishna states in Ethics of the Fathers: “Any Torah study that is not combined with work will not endure.” Elsewhere, the Talmud asserts that man was created for toil in Torah.

In order to truly succeed in Torah study one must remain aware that there is an entire world that needs his help. He must exert himself and toil to benefit the world around him. He will then realize that even this is not enough and that he must also toil in prayer. Only then will he succeed in the most sublime toil, the study of Torah.

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