
Torah Revolution: Comrades

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Torah Revolution: Comrades

The Sages list forty eight qualities that one must possess in order to acquire true Torah knowledge. Among them are: “companionship with colleagues” and “discussion with students.” This means that you cannot be satisfied to be passionate in your own study, rather you must engage everyone you can reach in the excitement of Torah, as well.
Adar 7, Torah Study, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Torah Revolution: Comrades
Disc 137, Program 548

Event Date: 7 Adar 5745 - February 28, 1985

The Sages list forty eight qualities that one must possess in order to acquire true Torah knowledge. Among them are: “companionship with colleagues” and “discussion with students.” This means that you cannot be satisfied to be passionate in your own study, rather you must engage everyone you can reach in the excitement of Torah, as well.

In his Laws of Torah Study, the Alter Rebbe writes that the commandment, “You shall teach your children,” also includes one’s students. This means that if there is anyone whom you can possibly reach to teach Torah, then you are considered a “Sage” who is obligated to “Teach your children”– your students, Torah.

This will add depth, breadth and length to your own understanding in Torah as well.

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