Why Purim Has a Persian Name
Living Torah
Why Purim Has a Persian NameThe names of the Jewish festivals and other dates on the Jewish calendar are all in Hebrew, the Holy Tongue. There is, however, one exception: The festival of Purim.
Why Purim Has a Persian Name
Disc 137, Program 547
Event Date: 14 Adar II 5746 - March 25, 1986
The names of the Jewish festivals and other dates on the Jewish calendar are all in Hebrew, the Holy Tongue. There is, however, one exception: The festival of Purim. Purim is named after the pur – the lot – not a Hebrew word, but one from the language of Ancient Persia, as the Scroll of Esther itself makes sure to point out. This emphasis on the mundaneness of the name Purim teaches an important lesson in the way a Jew should interact with his non-Jewish surroundings. |
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