

Reconciling free choice with the divine plan

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Predestination: Reconciling free choice with the divine plan

When G-d made His covenant with Abraham, He decreed: “Your children will be enslaved and oppressed for 400 years. But the nation that enslaves them, I will punish.”
Ten Plagues, Freedom of Choice, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Reconciling free choice with the divine plan
Disc 136, Program 541

Event Date: 14 Iyar 5744 - May 16, 1984

When G-d made His covenant with Abraham, He decreed: “Your children will be enslaved and oppressed for 400 years. But the nation that enslaves them, I will punish.”

How could G-d punish the Egyptians for something He decreed upon them to do? The answer can be found in Maimonides’ laws of prophecy.

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