
Be Like a Redwood

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Be Like a Redwood

The Code of Jewish Law rules: “All your actions should be for the sake of Heaven” and “In all your ways, know G-d.” This instruction is not referring to the commandment. “Your actions” means the personal activities that you choose to do, and “Your ways” means the personal path you choose in life. Even these pursuits have a deeper intent and purpose, in the words of the Mishna: “I was created only to serve my Maker.”
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Be Like a Redwood
Disc 133, Program 532

Event Date: 10 Shevat 5742 - February 03, 1982

The Code of Jewish Law rules: “All your actions should be for the sake of Heaven” and “In all your ways, know G-d.” This instruction is not referring to the commandment. “Your actions” means the personal activities that you choose to do, and “Your ways” means the personal path you choose in life. Even these pursuits have a deeper intent and purpose, in the words of the Mishna: “I was created only to serve my Maker.”

Every person has individual talents and interests. And he must know that even if he discharges perfectly his obligations as a Jew, all his personal pursuits must also glorify G-d’s Name and bring him in closer relationship with his Creator.

Living Torah

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