
Answering to a Higher Authority

A Moment of Silence

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Answering to a Higher Authority: A Moment of Silence

In 1985, the U.S. Supreme Court heard a case about an Alabama law allowing public school teachers to start each day with a moment of silence for meditation or voluntary prayer.
Moment of Silence, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Answering to a Higher Authority
A Moment of Silence
Disc 133, Program 529

Event Date: 19 Kislev 5745 - December 13, 1984

In 1985, the U.S. Supreme Court heard a case about an Alabama law allowing public school teachers to start each day with a moment of silence for meditation or voluntary prayer.

Referencing the case, the Rebbe praises the value of such a moment of silence in raising awareness about the existence of a Supreme Being – the authority behind our society’s most basic laws.

A truly civilized society begins with giving children the opportunity to think about “an Eye that sees and Ear that hears.”

Living Torah

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