Destroying to Rebuild
Living Torah
Destroying to RebuildThe Ninth of Av commemorates the destruction of both the first and second Temples in Jerusalem. It also commemorates many other calamities which befell the Jewish people throughout their exile. Marked by a fast, it is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar.
Destroying to Rebuild
Disc 130, Program 518
Event Date: 15 Av 5743 - July 25, 1983
The Ninth of Av commemorates the destruction of both the first and second Temples in Jerusalem. It also commemorates many other calamities which befell the Jewish people throughout their exile. Marked by a fast, it is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar. A mere six days later is the Fifteenth of Av, which the Talmud describes as one of the most joyous days on the Jewish calendar during Temple times, and which remains a notable day today.
As it turns out, the proximity of these two dates is no coincidence – it is a timeless lesson on rebuilding after with what appears as spiritual “destruction” for every Jew.
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