
Making This World a Sanctuary for G-d

Farbrengen, 10 Shevat, 5742 • February 3, 1982

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Making This World a Sanctuary for G-d: Farbrengen, 10 Shevat, 5742 • February 3, 1982

When G-d wanted the Tabernacle to be built, He showed Moses a completed Tabernacle, made of fire. G-d was saying to Moses, “Everything already exists spiritually, but in order for My Essence to be revealed on earth, the Tabernacle must be of this world and its physical materials.”
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Making This World a Sanctuary for G-d
Farbrengen, 10 Shevat, 5742 • February 3, 1982
Disc 6, Program 22

Event Date: 10 Shevat 5742 - February 03, 1982

When G-d wanted the Tabernacle to be built, He showed Moses a completed Tabernacle, made of fire. G-d was saying to Moses, “Everything already exists spiritually, but in order for My Essence to be revealed on earth, the Tabernacle must be of this world and its physical materials.”

The gold, silver and copper used to build the Tabernacle were taken from the spoils of Egypt. By their use in the Tabernacle, they were elevated, making them a vessel for holiness. We can elevate the world by acting in a G-dly way.

The Tabernacle had various utensils including utensils for the removal of soot and ashes; all necessary for its perfection. The same is true in the life of every Jewish man and woman: G-d dwells within us only when we take everything in our world, whether it is as valuable as “gold,” or as ordinary as “copper,” and unify them all into one single Tabernacle and Temple for G-d Himself.

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