Dare to Be Different
Living Torah
Dare to Be DifferentThe Book of Esther relates that when King Achashverosh made a great feast, he provided every guest with whatever food and drink they desired.
Dare to Be Different
Disc 125, Program 497
Event Date: 14 Adar 5742 - March 09, 1982
The Book of Esther relates that when King Achashverosh made a great feast, he provided every guest with whatever food and drink they desired. For Jewish guests in attendance, this created a challenge. Apparently, there were those that preferred to partake of fruit, and remain inconspicuous, rather than order a kosher meal and stand out as Jews. Why jeopardize their standing in the king’s court? Yet the story of Purim proves otherwise; being outwardly Jewish will not only do no harm, it will bring success, even in the highest circles. |
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