
Three Celebrations, One Message

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Three Celebrations, One Message

Imprisoned in Czarist Russia, the Alter Rebbe’s case was at the mercy of the hostile officials of the most powerful country in the world. Miraculously, his acquittal was ordered by the Czar himself, and he was freed on the nineteenth of Kislev.
Seventy Nations of the World; Seventy Languages, Public Menorahs, United States, The, Chanukah, Kislev 19, Thanksgiving, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Three Celebrations, One Message
Disc 121, Program 482

Event Date: 19 Kislev 5747 - December 21, 1986

Imprisoned in Czarist Russia, the Alter Rebbe’s case was at the mercy of the hostile officials of the most powerful country in the world. Miraculously, his acquittal was ordered by the Czar himself, and he was freed on the nineteenth of Kislev.

Chanukah too, celebrates the victory of light over might – when the small Jewish nation prevailed over the tyrannical Greek Empire.

America’s foundation was laid down by its original settlers: Immediately after arriving in this country, they proclaimed a holiday of thanksgiving to G-d for bringing them to a secure land and saving them from religious oppression. This faith in G-d has been celebrated in America every generation since.

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