
Rising To the Challenge

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Rising To the Challenge

The nineteenth of Kislev marks the release of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi from imprisonment in Czarist Russia. He was imprisoned as a result of his efforts in spreading chasidic teachings, but it was only after this that he was able to continue his work without hindrance, and with greater success and intensity.
Vayeishev, Kislev 19, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Rising To the Challenge
Disc 121, Program 481

Event Date: 19 Kislev 5741 - November 27, 1980

The nineteenth of Kislev marks the release of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi from imprisonment in Czarist Russia. He was imprisoned as a result of his efforts in spreading chasidic teachings, but it was only after this that he was able to continue his work without hindrance, and with greater success and intensity.

This was because every exile, personal as well as national, is connected to the exile of the Jewish people in Egypt, which began with Joseph being brought down in captivity and rising to the position of viceroy – a reminder that every challenge presents an opportunity.

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