A Work in Progress
"Studying the dimensions of the Holy Temple is like building it"
Living Torah
A Work in Progress: "Studying the dimensions of the Holy Temple is like building it"The Midrash relates that at the beginning of the Babylonian exile, seventy years before the Jews’ return to Jerusalem, G-d instructed Ezekiel to teach them the dimensions of the Holy Temple, because when they engage in its study, G-d considers it as though they built it.
A Work in Progress
"Studying the dimensions of the Holy Temple is like building it"
Disc 116, Program 462
Event Date: 24 Tammuz 5736 - July 22, 1976
The Midrash relates that at the beginning of the Babylonian exile, seventy years before the Jews’ return to Jerusalem, G-d instructed Ezekiel to teach them the dimensions of the Holy Temple, because when they engage in its study, G-d considers it as though they built it. In the weeks and days preceding Tisha B’av, when we mourn the destruction of the First and Second Temples, we must bear in mind that although we are still in exile, we need not postpone the building of the Third Temple any further. We can start construction now, by opening a book. |
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