Anniversary Blessings
14 Kislev, 5748 December 5, 1987
Living Torah
Anniversary Blessings: 14 Kislev, 5748 December 5, 1987Outside the Rebbe’s study, Chasidim offer the Rebbe blessings on the occasion of entering the 60th year from his wedding. The Rebbe responds: Those who give blessings will themselves be blessed from ‘Alef’ to ‘Tof’; from Ahavas Yisroel, love for a fellow Jew, to Torah, Teshuvah (repentance), Tefilah (prayer) and Tehilah (praise).
Anniversary Blessings
14 Kislev, 5748 December 5, 1987
Disc 3, Program 11
Event Date: 14 Kislev 5748 - December 05, 1987
Living Torah
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