
Torah Defense, Part I

Quality versus Quantity

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Torah Defense, Part I: Quality versus Quantity

Recent generations have witnessed a paradigm shift in the art of warfare. Whereas it used to be the quantity of one’s soldiers and weaponry that deterred war or proved victory in the battlefield, today it is the quality of one’s arsenal that matters most. One technologically advanced weapon outweighs vast quantities of enemy manpower.
Yom Kippur War, Israel, Israel Defense Force, Quality & Quantity, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Torah Defense, Part I
Quality versus Quantity
Disc 113, Program 449

Event Date: 19 Kislev 5734 - December 14, 1973

Recent generations have witnessed a paradigm shift in the art of warfare. Whereas it used to be the quantity of one’s soldiers and weaponry that deterred war or proved victory in the battlefield, today it is the quality of one’s arsenal that matters most. One technologically advanced weapon outweighs vast quantities of enemy manpower.

How much more so when it comes to the quality of holiness that pervades the army camp:

“For the L-rd, your G-d, goes along in the midst of your camp, to rescue you and deliver you your enemies before you. Therefore, your camp shall be holy...” (Deuteronomy 23:15)

A Jewish soldier guarding the Holy Nation in the Holy Land is an emissary of the true watchman above him, G-d A-lmighty Himself. Therefore, the greatest determining force in the success of his mission is the force of holiness that surrounds and supports him.

Living Torah

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Anonymous January 21, 2014

no men should fight - women should finally realise their hatered and aggression ;) Reply

john toronto April 12, 2013

agree I agree with the Rebbe. Reply

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