
Changing with the Times

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Changing with the Times

A Jew must “always increase in holiness.” He or she must not only grow constantly in their Jewish observance and Torah study, but also innovate in their service of G-d.
Chitat, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Changing with the Times
Disc 112, Program 448

Event Date: 11 Nissan 5742 - April 04, 1982

A Jew must “always increase in holiness.” He or she must not only grow constantly in their Jewish observance and Torah study, but also innovate in their service of G-d.

The Torah students and scholars of each generation uncover deeper and richer dimensions of Torah, all based upon the principles given by G-d to Moses at Sinai. These innovations are not only enlightening, they are life-giving, for when new spiritual illnesses are introduced into society, new cures are required.

In our generation, my father-in-law, the Rebbe, instituted a collective cure that applies equally to all Jews: the study of the weekly Torah portion as it is divided into sections for each day of the week. This practice was followed in earlier times by select individuals, including the founder of the Chabad movement, the Alter Rebbe himself, who famously said: “One must live with the times” – with the daily portion of Torah that is intrinsically connected to each day.

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