
Daily Miracles

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Daily Miracles

One of the 613 commandments is to recount the Exodus from Egypt every single day. It is imperative for the success of a Jew’s daily mission to live with the consciousness that today he is witnessing G-d’s miracles of redemption.
Exodus, Miracles, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Daily Miracles
Disc 112, Program 445

Event Date: 11 Nissan 5733 - April 13, 1973

One of the 613 commandments is to recount the Exodus from Egypt every single day. It is imperative for the success of a Jew’s daily mission to live with the consciousness that today he is witnessing G-d’s miracles of redemption.

When the Talmud says, “one who experiences a miracle doesn’t realize it,” it is not referring to rare occasions, but to everyday occurrences: miracles are constantly happening all around you, every single day, both within nature and above it; it only takes an honest moment’s reflection to recognize G-d’s hand in your life.

The wonders and miracles of the Exodus must be a Jew’s everyday conscious reality – that he need not be intimidated by the world around him. The world itself is one enormous expression of Divine Providence leading humanity toward its final Redemption, when G-d’s wonders will eclipse even those witnessed in Egypt.

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Angela Hoffberg Richland, MS March 21, 2013

Miracles Most times miracles are not recognized until many, many years later. Miracles happening might not be recognized for thousands of years. Reply

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