
A Month that Lasts a Year

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A Month that Lasts a Year

The following talk, as others in its genre, was meant as encouragement for the underground Russian Jewish movement. Some of these talks or their translation into Russian would be broadcast on Radio Free Europe, reaching the oppressed peoples of the Soviet Republics.
Soviet War on Judaism, Lubavitcher Rebbe
A Month that Lasts a Year
Disc 2, Program 5

Event Date: 28 Tishrei 5741 - October 08, 1980
The following talk, as others in its genre, was meant as encouragement for the underground Russian Jewish movement. Some of these talks or their translation into Russian would be broadcast on Radio Free Europe, reaching the oppressed peoples of the Soviet Republics. Rosh Hashanah, commonly known as the New Year, is actually the re-enactment of coronation of G-d as King, as happened over five millennia ago. On Yom Kippur, we ask for and receive forgiveness for the past year’s transgressions. On Sukkot we begin the service of G-d with joy, which culminates with unbridled dancing with a closed Torah scroll on the Holiday of Simchat Torah. The Rebbe connects all of these dots for children, and in Russian no less, based on the description of G-d as our Commander in Chief, whose orders must be obeyed by all foot soldiers without question.
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