Creatures of Holiness
Creatures of HolinessThe Sages instruct us in Ethics of Our Fathers: “Be of the disciples of Aaron the High Priest.” Aaron was the holiest Jew. Yet, which of his qualities do the Sages instruct us to emulate? “Love peace and pursue peace; love all creatures and draw them close to Torah.”
Creatures of Holiness
Disc 103, Program 410
Event Date: 18 Tishrei 5741 - September 28, 1980
The Sages instruct us in Ethics of Our Fathers: “Be of the disciples of Aaron the High Priest.” Aaron was the holiest Jew. Yet, which of his qualities do the Sages instruct us to emulate? “Love peace and pursue peace; love all creatures and draw them close to Torah.” The Alter Rebbe explains that “creature” refers to such an individual whose only redeeming factor is that he is a product of G-d’s handiwork. A disciple of Aaron doesn’t look down upon such a person, but sees only the positive within. You love that person exactly as you love yourself, which inevitably brings you to “draw him close to Torah.” The key to achieving this kind of love is revealed by the beginning of the teaching: “Love peace and pursue peace” – place unity at the forefront of your mind. Even if you don’t see the peace close at hand, do not rest! Run after it, chase after it, pursue it, until you find a way to establish peace among Jews. |
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