
Rabbi Shimon’s Joy

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Rabbi Shimon’s Joy

On Lag B’omer, Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai proclaimed: “This is the day of my rejoicing!” He also requested every Jew to share in his joy, so his own delight is increased when he sees many Jews rejoicing together.
Lag BaOmer, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Rabbi Shimon’s Joy
Disc 100, Program 400

Event Date: 18 Iyar 5744 - May 20, 1984

On Lag B’omer, Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai proclaimed: “This is the day of my rejoicing!” He also requested every Jew to share in his joy, so his own delight is increased when he sees many Jews rejoicing together.

What was it that made Rabbi Shimon so joyful?

The Zohar tells us that it was on this day that he declared: “With G-d I am one, With Him I am a single flame, With Him I am joined.” He sensed that, after an entire life devoted to Torah, he had finally achieved true union with G-d.

The lesson for every Jewish child: Even though yesterday, before Lag B’omer, you were already connected with G-d, today your soul has been given to you anew, granting you also new abilities to grow physically and spiritually, and to reach new heights in your relationship with G-d.

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