G-d’s Law for All People
G-d’s Law for All PeopleMaimonides rules that a non-Jew must keep the Seven Noahide Laws, not because he agrees with them intellectually, but because they were commanded to him by G-d, through Moses at Sinai.
G-d’s Law for All People
Disc 100, Program 397
Event Date: 19 Kislev 5741 - November 27, 1980
Maimonides rules that a non-Jew must keep the Seven Noahide Laws, not because he agrees with them intellectually, but because they were commanded to him by G-d, through Moses at Sinai. Our generation witnessed the greatest proof that ethics built on human reason alone do not stand to last. A country celebrated as the most democratic, cultured and intellectually progressive on earth, transformed overnight into a brutal regime, perpetrating the most inhuman atrocities in history and plunging the entire world into a state of chaos and devastation. The only safety to prevent such an event from recurring is for the systems of law to be based on the premise that there is a Higher Entity Who created and directs all of existence, and that this Supernal Being conveyed, through Moses, clear instructions to guide humanity. |
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