
Parent and Protector

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Parent and Protector

The fact that a parent feeds and clothes a child does not mean he may do with the child whatever he wants… The parent himself is a possession of G-d; how much more so their child, who is only entrusted to the parent for safekeeping. There is only one path – the straight path, the path of life: to educate them and raise them to Torah, marriage and good deeds.
Parenting; Parenthood, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Parent and Protector
Disc 99, Program 393

Event Date: 19 Kislev 5741 - November 27, 1980

The fact that a parent feeds and clothes a child does not mean he may do with the child whatever he wants… The parent himself is a possession of G-d; how much more so their child, who is only entrusted to the parent for safekeeping. There is only one path – the straight path, the path of life: to educate them and raise them to Torah, marriage and good deeds.

One must take extraordinary care not to expose a child to anything inappropriate – not even a manner of speech which is not completely clean, not in the spirit of blessing. In regard to their academic education, it must be a Kosher education; even more so, it must be a pure education – which is higher than Kosher; and even more so, a holy education, built upon the holy Torah and its holy commandments.

Every Jew, from birth, is a member of the holy nation. Then begins the father’s and mother’s great merit to cultivate this great and holy potential into action, to bring it from its hidden state within the child into a revealed state.

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