
Mission of the Generation, Pt. 2: “Yitzchak”

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Mission of the Generation, Pt. 2: “Yitzchak”

The Previous Rebbe’s lifelong tireless efforts for Jewish youth are well-known. First in Eastern Europe, then in America, he succeeded in drawing the hearts of the younger generation back to their age-old Jewish heritage.
Isaac, R. Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn of Lubavitch, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Mission of the Generation, Pt. 2: “Yitzchak”
Disc 97, Program 387

Event Date: 11 Shevat 5731 - February 06, 1971

The Previous Rebbe’s lifelong tireless efforts for Jewish youth are well-known. First in Eastern Europe, then in America, he succeeded in drawing the hearts of the younger generation back to their age-old Jewish heritage.

The Baal Shem Tov teaches: The verse says, “You shall be for Me a desirable land.” In G-d’s eyes, every individual Jew is a “desirable land,” for inside him or her lie precious stones and gems, wellsprings of living waters.

Our forefather Isaac dug wells. Digging a well doesn’t “create” water; the water was always there, but if you don’t make the effort to dig, it will remain hidden. Comes Isaac, and he is not intimidated that it is the “land of the Philistines.” He digs one time… A second time… A third time… until he successfully reveals a gushing spring.

So too, the Rebbe dug to reveal the living waters deep within every individual. One must only endure and spare no effort – to the point of actual self-sacrifice – to dig up the wellsprings within every Jew, until the living waters come gushing forth.

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