
The Road to Peace: Part 1

G‑d’s Roadmap

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The Road to Peace: Part 1: G‑d’s Roadmap

Code of Jewish Law, Laws of Shabbos, Chapter 329: If non-Jews besiege a Jewish border town—whether in the Holy Land or in the Diaspora—stating that they come only to pilfer straw, Jews are obligated to arm themselves for war, even on Shabbos, because such an intrusion opens up the entire Jewish land to attack.
Land for "Peace", Arab-Israeli Conflict, Lubavitcher Rebbe
The Road to Peace: Part 1
G‑d’s Roadmap
Disc 96, Program 383

Event Date: 18 Tishrei 5741 - September 28, 1980

Code of Jewish Law, Laws of Shabbos, Chapter 329: If non-Jews besiege a Jewish border town—whether in the Holy Land or in the Diaspora—stating that they come only to pilfer straw, Jews are obligated to arm themselves for war, even on Shabbos, because such an intrusion opens up the entire Jewish land to attack.

True peace will be achieved only when Jews stand steadfast. Then, “your fear and dread will be upon them.” We do not compromise—not because we rely on our own power, but because we rely upon the strength of the Code of Jewish Law.

This “fear” will ultimately engender respect, for “all the nations of the earth will see that G‑d’s name is upon you, and they will fear you”—they will revere the Jewish people and allow them to peacefully fulfill their mission to make a dwelling place for G‑d in this world.

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Nechama Greenwald Ukraine February 28, 2021

Is every video in living Torah the Rebbe speaking? Reply

Anonymus May 15, 2024
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