
Too Good for G-d?

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Too Good for G-d?

It happened once on Shabbos that in the midst of prayer, the Alter Rebbe removed his Tallis and went to the edge of the town. There, he found a woman who had just given birth. The Alter Rebbe had sensed that she needed help...
Seven Noahide Laws, R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi (Alter Rebbe), Lubavitcher Rebbe
Too Good for G-d?
Disc 94, Program 373

Event Date: 19 Kislev 5744 - November 25, 1983

It happened once on Shabbos – or, according to another version, on Yom Kippur – that in the midst of prayer, the Alter Rebbe removed his Talis and went to the edge of the town. There, he found a woman who had just given birth. Her entire household had gone to the synagogue, so she was left alone. The Alter Rebbe had sensed that she needed help, so he removed his Talis, walked to her home, and broke the usual laws of the holy day in order to help her.

This story instructs the Jew: Listen here! You may be an illustrious Torah scholar, you may be an accomplished leader... All the Supernal Realms may be hanging on your Divine service… But still you must sacrifice your own spiritual pursuits for the sake of your fellow man. There are non-Jews in this world who do not yet know how important it is to keep the Seven Noahide Laws, and you must do your part to teach them.

If you have a non-Jewish neighbor, find some time to speak with him – even if it means finding a translator. Explain to him that he is a human being, he is created in G-d’s image, and G-d gave him seven commandments to live by. Yes, you have other holy obligations, but you’re the only one who can do this because your neighbor will accept it most from you.

Living Torah

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Lynne Newington Australia June 10, 2022

In today's society......you may get more than you expected, neighbor or other.. Reply

Michael Taylor Newport News, Virginia, USA June 9, 2022

We have the letter of the law, and the spirit of the law- which is more important, and which did he follow here? And what purpose and mission do the chosen people have? Let me know what you think. Reply

Tzipora D Smith USA June 8, 2022

שלומ! I very much enjoyed this article because unfortunately it seems like in my life I am often
challenged and forced to decide between davening and breaking Halacha by doing mitzvot. These days the situations are becoming more complex and I often have to think more carefully before reacting. Thank you for the article. Reply

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