
Living the Torah

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Living the Torah

Our Sages teach us that we should view the Torah as being new every day, not merely renewed. How do we resolve this statement with the reality that lies before our eyes, a world that appears to be the same on awakening as it was yesterday?
Torah, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Living the Torah
Disc 1, Program 1

Event Date: 12 Tammuz 5744 - July 12, 1984

Our Sages teach us that we should view the Torah as being new every day, not merely renewed. How do we resolve this statement with the reality that lies before our eyes, a world that appears to be the same on awakening as it was yesterday?

The verse states, “From my own flesh I see G-d.” By examining the human makeup we gain knowledge of G-d, and by examining G-d as described in the Torah we gain knowledge of our own spiritual composition. On awakening, our body is fresh and its needs are felt anew every day, as well. So too, although the Torah’s commands may seem to be the same as yesterday, on this day they are entirely new.

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