
“I Am My Beloved’s, My Beloved Is Mine”

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"I Am My Beloved's, My Beloved Is Mine"

The sages teach that “Elul” is an acronym for the verse in Song of Songs: “I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved is mine.”
Yom Kippur, Elul, Lubavitcher Rebbe
“I Am My Beloved’s, My Beloved Is Mine”
Disc 92, Program 367

Event Date: 22 Elul 5750 - September 12, 1990

The sages teach that “Elul” is an acronym for the verse in Song of Songs: “I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved is mine.”

“Beloved” demonstrates a relationship and feeling of love, in which G-d declares openly: “Israel is My young one, and I love him.” Even the smallest Jewish child is educated to be constantly aware that G-d is his very best friend.

In the same spirit, each of the four words of this verse ends with the letter Yud. Numerically, the four Yuds together equal 40, corresponding to the 40 days between the first of Elul and Yom Kippur. By the time Yom Kippur arrives, G-d looks upon the Jews as holy angels. Even as they live in physical bodies, they wear untainted garments—which is why they wear white on Yom Kippur—demonstrating that they are cleansed of anything contrary to G-d’s will. And even if there was at one time a “stain,” the spiritual toil before Elul surely erased any stains, and even more so, transformed them to be “white as snow.”

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Marcy Goldsmith Phoenix August 20, 2020

Hello, I need closed captions in order to "hear." Is there any way this can get installed into the Chabad videos.

Sincerely, Reply

Chabad.org Staff August 21, 2020
in response to Marcy Goldsmith:

Hi Marcy adding CC to more videos is on our wish list.
All of the classes at Chabad.org/courses have CC as do the videos on Chabad.org/LivingTorah Reply

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