Shaatnez – A Lesson for Life
Shaatnez – A Lesson for LifeTorah commands a Jew not to wear Shaatnez – wool and linen woven together. What is the inner meaning of this Mitzvah?
Shaatnez – A Lesson for Life
Disc 92, Program 365
Event Date: 30 Av 5744 - August 28, 1984
Torah commands a Jew not to wear Shaatnez – wool and linen woven together. What is the inner meaning of this Mitzvah? One lesson: Linen is made from flax, which grows from the earth, while wool comes from an animal. A Jew must know not to combine the Divine service of a “plant” with the Divine service of an “animal.” When educating a child, we reward him or her with candies and prizes as an incentive to study Torah. But as they mature, they must learn that this is not the ideal approach. Once one has been given a proper Jewish education – graduating from the level of “plant” to the level of “animal” and “human” – he has the ability to appreciate the intrinsic value of bringing G-d joy and pride. Another lesson: There are two types of Mitzvos: “Positive commandments,” which one actively seeks to fulfill, and “Negative commandments,” which are forbidden and should be shunned. A Jew must learn not to mix that which should be embraced with that which should be rejected, and to apply kindness and severity where each one is warranted. |
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