G-d’s Only Daughter
G-d’s Only DaughterWhen G-d commanded Moses to count the Jews, the “greatest” among them counted as one,
and the “simplest” among them counted as one. Every Jew is an equal son or daughter of G-d
Himself, and is beloved to Him much more than an only child is loved by a father and mother.
G-d’s Only Daughter
Disc 89, Program 353
Event Date: 28 Iyar 5728 - May 26, 1968
When G-d commanded Moses to count the Jews, the “greatest” among them counted as one, and the “simplest” among them counted as one. Every Jew is an equal son or daughter of G-d Himself, and is beloved to Him much more than an only child is loved by a father and mother. Our Sages tell us how the Jewish People came to be just so cherished and beloved to G-d: it was because despite having been subjugated in Egypt for over two centuries, they never compromised their Jewish way of “Tznius – modesty.” When summer begins, and negative “winds” pull in the direction of less modesty, the Book of Numbers reminds the woman that she is an equal daughter of G-d. It is not only the Rabbi’s wife who is obligated to conduct herself according to Jewish law... Every woman counts no less! The state of her family rests in her hands, and what wouldn’t a mother do to ensure her children’s future, that they receive the best of G-d’s blessings in this world and the Next. |
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