
The Silly Bird and the Wily Fox: Two Purim Parables

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The Silly Bird and the Wily Fox: Two Purim Parables

The Midrash gives a parable for the story of Haman’s plot against the Jews...
Purim, Moshiach's Donkey, Lubavitcher Rebbe
The Silly Bird and the Wily Fox: Two Purim Parables
Disc 86, Program 341

Event Date: 14 Adar 5724 - February 27, 1964

The Midrash gives a parable for the story of Haman’s plot against the Jews:

“A bird once flew by the seashore. It started to draw water out of the sea with its beak and fling it onto the ground – thinking that she could dry up the sea. G-d exclaimed: ‘Such a feat is impossible!’ And that is what happened with Haman.”

We can understand this parable with yet another: When the Romans outlawed the study of Torah, Rabbi Akiva continued to study. He explained: “If now, when we study Torah, we are in danger, if we were to cease to study Torah it would be even worse!” And he gave the parable of the fox who saw a fish swimming frantically in the water away from a fisherman. “Come up on dry land and you’ll be safe,” said the fox. The fish answered back, “If I am in danger in the water – my life-source, I will certainly be in danger if I leave my life-source!”

Haman was no fool. He knew that throughout history all who tried to harm the Jews met their own downfall instead... But he also saw the Jews of his day exchanging the ‘waters’ of Torah for the ‘dry land’ of Persian culture. So Haman thought he could succeed in his evil plan.

G-d replied: “I cannot exchange my People for any other nation!” No matter how far they may stray, the Jewish People remain G-d’s child, and a father always comes to his child’s rescue.

Living Torah

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Gizel Thomas- Roberts Caribbean March 21, 2019

Love these two.parables. They are indeed poignant for our times. Reply

Anonymous Sao Paulo, Brazil March 26, 2011

Nice!! Love Rebbe video's... Reply

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