
Shlichus Dimensions

Part 1: The Spiritual, the Physical and the Philosophical

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Shlichus Dimensions - Part 1: Part 1: The Spiritual, the Physical and the Philosophical

Mrs. Reba Sharfstein and her husband were sent by the Rebbe on Shlichus to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1954. Here, she discusses various instructions they received from the Rebbe.
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Shlichus Dimensions
Part 1: The Spiritual, the Physical and the Philosophical
Disc 84, Program 333

Living Torah

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1 Comment
Miss Kayo Kaneko January 26, 2011

Very educational I will always try to remember the Rebbe's comment Mrs. Sharfstein shared with us here that the water of the Mikvah is connected with the source. As long as we are connected with the source, everything is going to be the way it should be. The Source is G-d, and I have chosen Chabad Lubavitch for the channel to receive the light of Yiddish Kait. Thank you Mrs. Sharfstein for sharing this very important comment of the Rebbe. This is the kind of education I had yearned for. Reply

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