When the Son Outshines the Father
When the Son Outshines the FatherHow is it possible for a Jew, a true believer and recipient of Torah, to entertain the notion
that “It is my strength and skill that has caused my success”?
When the Son Outshines the Father
Disc 83, Program 330
Event Date: 15 Av 5743 - July 25, 1983
How is it possible for a Jew, a true believer and recipient of Torah, to entertain the notion that “It is my strength and skill that has caused my success”? The Talmud relates that when the Sages overruled G-d, G-d smiled and said: “My children, you have bested me!” G-d instills His children with the power even to “surpass” Himself. What gives them this power? The fact that G-d calls them, “My children.” A child can inherit abilities that were latent and unexpressed in the father, and can manifest those abilities even before the father does. Someone who truly feels he is G-d’s own child might sincerely feel, “It is my strength and skill that has caused my success” – not because the original source of the strength is his own, but because he has inherited the strength from his father, from G-d. Therefore, Torah makes it absolutely clear: “G-d alone is the One Who gives you the strength to succeed.” |
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