The Rebbe Leads the Singing of a Chassidic Melody
Niggun “Tzomah Lecha Nafshi”
Living Torah
The Rebbe Sings “Tzomah Lecha Nafshi”: Niggun “Tzomah Lecha Nafshi”“My soul thirsts for You, my flesh longs for You; (as one) in a desolate and dry land without
water, so (I thirst) to see You in the Sanctuary, to behold Your might and glory.” (Psalm 63)
This Niggun was first taught by the Rebbe on 28 Nissan, 5714 – 1954.
The Rebbe Leads the Singing of a Chassidic Melody
Niggun “Tzomah Lecha Nafshi”
Disc 80, Program 320
Event Date: 19 Kislev 5733 - November 25, 1972
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