
Every Minute Counts

Luca Hasda Municipal Council Milan, Italy - 21 & 28 Menachem-Av, 5750-1990

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Every Minute Counts: Luca Hasda Municipal Council Milan, Italy - 21 & 28 Menachem-Av, 5750-1990

The Rebbe encourages someone who finished his pre-conversion learning and preparation to quickly move on to the actual conversion.
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Every Minute Counts
Luca Hasda Municipal Council Milan, Italy - 21 & 28 Menachem-Av, 5750-1990
VHS Series, Bamidbar

Living Torah

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CM February 6, 2024

So beautiful! Reply

Jew in Alaska Anchorage, Alaska August 21, 2009

This is the most beautiful video... Thank you for this wonderful video, I want to share it with the world. We NEED more inspirations during these difficult times.

Nobody is too old to convert if it is their wish.

Thank you. Reply

Andrea Milano Beverwijk, NL June 16, 2009

wonderful What beautiful words!
Every minutes counts ........more than 18 minutes is a long time.......and the Rebbe also adds that any cost for the Brit Milà would have to be financed from his personal funds.

An act of great compassion from such a great man. Reply

Chani Benjaminson, chabad.org October 19, 2008

! Oh yes! I agree with you 100% on that :)

The Living Torah videos cannot be downloaded but they can be purchased; they're available on DVD and CD ROM, via this link. Reply

Michael ben Avraham Vienna, Austria October 14, 2008

This video Is there a way to be able to record this? to have it on DVD? something? I love this video :-) The Rebbe was a GREAT man, a GREAT man. I only wish I had had the chance to meet him. Bless all of you who had the chance of coming anywhere near such a great man. Reply

Giorgio April 15, 2008

This should be shown to all those people who say it's impossible to convert because jews don't want to share with anybody their special relationship with God. Reply

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