
Niggun “V’hi She’omdoh”

16 Adar, 5743 · March 1, 1983

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Niggun “V’hi She’omdoh”: 16 Adar, 5743 · March 1, 1983

“This is what has stood by our fathers and us: For not just one alone has arisen against us to destroy us, but in every generation they rise against us to destroy us; and the Holy One blessed be He, saves us from their hand!” (From the Passover Haggadah)
V'hi She'amda, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Niggun “V’hi She’omdoh”
16 Adar, 5743 · March 1, 1983
Disc 73, Program 290

Event Date: 16 Adar 5743 - March 01, 1983
Living Torah

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