Conquering in Unison
January 3, 1985 · 10 Tevet, 5745
Conquering in Unison: January 3, 1985 · 10 Tevet, 5745A lesson from the two sons of Jacob, Gad and Joseph.
Conquering in Unison
January 3, 1985 · 10 Tevet, 5745
Disc 70, Program 277
Event Date: 10 Tevet 5745 - January 03, 1985
The Alter Rebbe teaches, “we must live with the times” – with the daily section of the Torah portion. Today corresponds to the fifth section of Parshas Vayechi. The first verse is Jacob’s blessing to the tribe of Gad: “A troop will troop forth from Gad, and it will troop back unscathed.” Gad led the Jewish People in the conquest of the Land of Israel. So too, every Jew is empowered to join with fellow Jews as a ‘troop’ to ‘conquer’ the material world – to reveal its holiness, and return safe and sound in victory. The last verse tells of Jacob’s blessings upon Joseph – “Upon he who was vigilant for his brothers’ honor.” Joseph was careful with his brothers’ honor even after they had sold him into slavery! When all Jews are united as one in their mission – vigilantly guarding their fellow man’s honor, no matter who he is – our prayer will be fulfilled: “Bless us, our Father, all of us as one.” |
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