
Bringing Chanukah Light to Prisoners


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Bringing Chanukah Light to Prisoners: 1978

The Rebbe instructs Rabbi Shabsi Katz, chief Jewish chaplain for South Africa’s prison system, to brighten the lives of prisoners incarcerated in South Africa.
Prison; Imprisonment, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Bringing Chanukah Light to Prisoners
Disc 69, Program 274

Rebbetzin Jill Katz and her husband Rabbi Sidney (Shabsi) Katz, of blessed memory, served the Jewish community of Pretoria, South Africa, from 1954 to 1991. Rebbetzin Katz was interviewed in New York in December, 2010.

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M. Miller Louisville, KY USA December 9, 2010

How thoughtful and wonderful of the Rebbe to think of those in the hardest of times in SA. Reply

Mama T Baltimore, MD December 7, 2010

Very special interview & story I have some family connections in SA which makes it more pertinent, but a beauiful example of how the Rebbe encourages us to do our utmost, usually with excellent results Reply

Denise Rootenberg Toronto, Canada via chabad.ca December 16, 2009

Only an ex-SA could appreciate how truly amazing it is that this could happen. Thanks so much for putting this on your website. A wonderful story. Talk about bringing the light (of Chanukkah) into the darkest times. Reply

Hliton. Johannesburg, South Africa December 10, 2009

Your encounter with the Rebbe Rebbetzin Gran - what a story! You do your family proud. Brings back many memories I shared with your late husband. Your grandson-in-law's father. Reply

Your Loving Grandchildren Johannesburg, SA December 9, 2009

Granny Katz We Love you so much gran you inspire us with your deep thoughts. May you be an inspiration to all. Reply

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