
“Non-Profit Business” as Usual


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“Non-Profit Business” as Usual: Collage

Do not be afraid of debt, it is normal for non-profit organizations. May G-d help you pay off the current debts, and then may you go on to create future deficits through increasing your activities for Judaism.
Lubavitcher Rebbe
“Non-Profit Business” as Usual
Disc 68, Program 270

Living Torah

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Zalman Menashe Pompano Beach, FL November 11, 2009

chabad of venice, italy I must have watched this clip twenty times, reminding me again and again how beautiful a mitzvah it is to help the next generation, knowing there will always be a source to provide more. I am so proud of my sister and brother in in Venice. May you continue to spread Yiddishkeit throughout the world. Reply

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