Live in the Moment
10 Kislev, 5748 · December 1, 1987
Live in the Moment: 10 Kislev, 5748 · December 1, 1987When it comes to a Jew’s mission to better himself and the world, the Evil Inclination tries to
argue: “What’s the rush? What is so urgent? You have a long life ahead of you; there’s plenty
of time to fix things later…”
Live in the Moment
10 Kislev, 5748 · December 1, 1987
Disc 68, Program 269
Event Date: 10 Kislev 5748 - December 01, 1987
When it comes to a Jew’s mission to better himself and the world, the Evil Inclination tries to argue: “What’s the rush? What is so urgent? You have a long life ahead of you; there’s plenty of time to fix things later…” Such calculations have no place in the realm of holiness. Every day has a unique mission. One cannot excuse himself from resolving a matter at hand by arguing that it’s overshadowed by, and included in, some larger picture… According to Jewish Law, a Jew must run to perform a Mitzvah, whatever Mitzvah it may be. The Baal Shem Tov teaches that at every single moment all of existence is created anew from nothingness. So if at this moment one has the opportunity to achieve good, and a moment later the world will revert to utter nothingness and will need to be created again – should he wait to make things right? The animal soul itself argues that such procrastination goes against all reason! |
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