Erev Rosh-Hashono, 5704 [the eve of Rosh Hashanah, September 30, 1943]
Happy New Year! * לשנה טובה תכתבו!
Dear Friend:
We are sending you herewith a special message, based upon а talk with the celebrated Lubavitcher Rabbi, Rabbi Joseph I. Schneersohn שליט"א. This message has been published by us in small pocket-size form for your convenience. Added to it are also а few selected Psalms, specially recommended by the Lubavitcher Rabbi שליט"א, for their particular appeal and suitability for the Jewish service man.
Read this message frequently, and you will derive growing faith and courage from it.
We wish to add here a few words which have been recently pronounced by the Lubavitcher Rabbi at a great mass-meeting in New York:
"It is а great Mitzvah (precept) and a sacred duty upon each one of us to make known to every Jewish member in the armed services on land, sea, and in the air, the following:
"Our sages, their memory be blessed, said that 'he who puts on Tefillin regularly merits long life'.
"Brothers in the armed services! Be very careful to put on Tefillin on each weekday!
"The service man who has absolutely no possibility to put on the Tefillin in the morning, should put them on later in the day, but before sunset.
"The putting on of the Tefillin is a special merit which will evoke G‑d's mercy, that you may return home safely!"
We urge you to observe all our religious precepts with the same care as that of Tefillin. You should regard it also as your duty to urge your Jewish comrades to do likewise.
With our best wishes for a Happy New Year, a year of victory that will see you and your comrades return home safe and sound with a distinguished service record, both as a Jew and as an American; a year of Complete Redemption of our people through our righteous Messiah.
Very sincerely yours,
Rabbi Mendel Schneerson,
Chairman, Executive Committee
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